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Awakening through Intimacy |
How can we begin taking steps toward "Creating greater Intimacy of Living" in a way that deeply enriches our lives? In what way can we bring healing home, to our significant relationships, our families, our children, parents and friends? Devotional Healing is a gentle healing touch for all ages: Children. Adults and Elders Devotional Healing is a practice of meditation, as well as a method of healing which offers deep relaxation and restoration to another, as well as, bringing mutual benefit to each person. Within the vibratory harmonic field of healing, Devotional Healing is a way to offer profound help to one who is aging, ill and dying, allowing them to come to a place of deep inner peace and relaxation. Devotional Healing creates a compassionate space for a sacred journey to unfold within ourselves and another through a shared experience. As our feelings of devotion increase, a sense of dedication and reverence expand, which can spark an active desire to grow within ourselves, while sharing the sacredness of the journey with another. The devotional state of consciousness is nurtured from a growing awareness of mindfulness and the expanded feelings of love and wisdom within the heart. As we awaken to the vast awareness within ourselves, we learn to trust, value and appreciate ourselves and others with sensitivity, while being attentive to communicate more openly, lovingly, and with sincere appreciation of one another. One's practice and devotion can lead to a sense of engaged responsibility within oneself, and in our inter-relationship with others and the world in which we live. An expanded sense of compassion and spaciousness is gained through the mutual experiences we share, which enriches and deepens our experience of intimacy. As we continue to use the practices of Devotional Healing in our lives, we begin to notice our emerging capacities and sensations of union with our Spiritual Nature. The developing sense of our Presence, empowers our perceptions with greater levels of wisdom and insights, compassion, understanding, Self-awareness and commitment. The process is accumulative and generative as one becomes immersed in the higher frequencies and sensations of joy and compassion, and inter-connectedness within oneself and others. Devotional Healing becomes a process with a limitless goal that can generate curiosity and awareness into the spacious nature of being. No one persons experience is the same, as the process of awareness unfolds. The practice simply offers a pathway for greater awakening within themselves, and the joy of sharing the journey. On a very personal level, devotion is both an attitude toward one's spiritual unfoldment while nurturing a more expanded awareness of one's interactions. This is both personal and an interactive relationship with others that has an attitude of caring and a desire to engage with another in such a way that it is supportive and nutritive to the awareness and growth of those individuals close to us. Spiritually for me, it is both receptive and an energetic movement outward from the personal to another, which in turns ripples out into the world. Devotion occurs as a dynamic interaction which nurtures the giver and the receiver, and this interplay deepens as the seeds of love, compassion and understanding . The depth of one's experience of the sensations and perceptions of devotion are facilitated through ones fidelity, constancy and steadfastness to the vital interaction of its nature. Devotional Bodywork is a synthesis of Polarity Healing, Meditation and Mindfulness, created by Dr Anna Bonas DC LAC OMD, after many years of working and learning healing from different traditions. Dr Anna also teaches Lomi lomi Hawaiian massage to couples and families, sharing the practices of family healing that she learned from her teachers in Hawaii.
Devotional Healing/ Bodywork, is a process of using mindfulness and meditation practices while giving a Polarity Healing treatment. This benefits the giver and the receiver. In mindfulness practices through meditation and daily living practices, we begin to notice when the impulse of the unconscious thought is coming into form, and we gradually learn to notice without clinging to, or attaching, or grasping to it.. when that is done, we do not manifest it into form. If one clings to the impulse of thought, it gains access to the cycle of conditioning, it is in this cycle that resistance's are set up in the body reacting and contracting, then all sorts of mental formations and stories occur creating suffering, as we hold onto the inner struggle of perceptions. If we do not cling, we notice and let go of the thought at first impulse, we break the cycle, before it cascades further into the continued sensations, perceptions, judgments and so forth. DevotionalHealing/ Bodywork uses the body as a vehicle for awakening, is facilitated by our ability to notice and become aware of our bodies sensations of tension, or tension building if we are mindful, and build the skill of looking deeply. The unconscious thought begins a muscle contraction in the body, before it comes to our awareness in the mind as a fully developed thought. When we notice the tension beginning in the body and release it, it's release can benefit us in many ways, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
In this practice it is through the process of engaging with the subtleness of the energetic reactions and responses within the body that facilitate the development of greater mindfulness and awareness. In the observation and experience of these subtle interrelationships the practitioner gradually become conscious of the elements of devotion and compassion within ourselves and others in our life. As one awakens and experiences the essence of oneness and unity within nature there is a loss of sense of separateness. The awareness of unity, and non-separateness, deepens ones sense of affection to nurture this state of consciousness and maintain fidelity to the nature of its existence. One also becomes aware of the individual components of the duality of nature, of separateness and non-separateness nature of existence as the mindfulness unfolds. In classes and courses, we use insight mediation processes which use techniques of sitting practices, walking, and the gentle healing touch practice of Polarity to help us focus inwardly, while also engaging us in a greater awareness of another, and the world in which we live. The courses are given in Northern California, Hawaii, and other places in the world. It is the engagement with ourselves, with another and with our experience in nature that our inter-connectiveness grows, with a spaciousness and expansive sense of Joy. Devotional Healing allows couples and individuals to practice awakening through the intimacy of daily living with each other in such a way that it is beneficial to their physical well being.. relieving the stresses of the day, while at the same time being a meditative practice which balances our emotions and restores our soul, while expanding the compassion and intimacy in relationships. It is a way we can share a journey of healing and meditation that benefits the giver and receiver mutually. "Awakening through Intimacy" Anna Bonas DC LAC OMD Dr Bonas currently sees patients for treatments and counseling in Sebastopol California and in Hawaii. She sees individuals and couples for counseling and insights readings. If you would like to make an appointment with Dr Bonas Please call her at 707-829-6893 abonas@devotionalhealing.com
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©2006 - 2010 Dr. 'Noe' Anna Bonas